Samsung Galaxy Note 3 might be Code named as GT-N7200. Yesterday photograph "allegedly" taken from Samsung Galaxy Note 3 surface online. The details of the photograph revealed it was taken from Samsung Phone code named as GT-N7200. Samsung Galaxy Note 2 is called GT-N7100, so speculations are that the photograph was taken from Samsung Galaxy Note 3, code named GT-N7200.
The device with which the photo was taken seems to have 13 megapixel camera. Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is expected to have 5.9 Inch Super Amoled full HD screen, running on android 4.2.2 boasting the latest Exynos Octacore processor. It is almost certain that Samsung Galaxy Note 3 will not have metal frame.
Photograpgh taken from Samsung Galaxy Note 3? |
Also, according to few rumors, Samsung is planning to launch Galaxy Note 3 on 6th of September at IFA 2013 event Berlin.
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